Avant-guard of marketing communication
Here’s another video which was shot by Taloussanomat and it was shown in their website in a series of articles called ‘Suunnannäyttäjät’ (Avant-guard). Self included 🙂
Marketing messages and creativity
Here’s a video about marketing messages (in Finnish) which I directed, wrote the script and acted as a narrator. Animations and filming was done by Pasi Viitanen.
Nostalgia – There’s always a good moment for one nostalgic piece
See how much more personality Microsoft had before (a while back!). Nowadays it’s “just” a huge faceless company; although a good money making machine. microsoft-1980.png (580×794).
Volkswagen Fun Theory
I hope that this would have been my idea, because I think it’s excellent thinking. I mean this Speed Camera Lottery as well as the whole Volkswagens Fun Theory site. It would be fun to know the results of this Speed Camera Lottery after a years testing. The idea that people who drive according to […]
Axe – Clean Your Balls
Axe continues with its chosen path. Funny and well done, I bet you remember this commercial a little bit longer than average one. And that’s one the main things in advertising.